Options for the best shopping in Siem Reap range from renowned local brands and fair-trade centres to vibrant markets. They offer not only authentic and value-for-money goods but also an in-depth look at the local culture and history. Boasting some of the most unique historical landmarks in the world, Siem Reap’s shopping scene is mostly dedicated to Cambodian craftsmanship such as stone carvings, silverware, lacquer figurines, ceramics, and silks.
Visitors can also experience the local lifestyle by visiting Siem Reap’s numerous outdoor markets, where they can sample authentic Cambodian delicacies, shop for fresh produce and one-of-a-kind souvenirs, as well as enjoy cultural performances all day long. From traditional markets and shopping malls within central Siem Reap to trendy fashion boutiques and art galleries near Sivatha Boulevard, here’s our guide to the best shopping in Siem Reap.
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